
Palmistry Lines

The general consensus among most palm readers, with respect to what each hand indicates (right and left) is this — for right-handed individuals, the left hand lines and shapes indicate the character traits, personality and destiny one is born with. The right hand lines and shapes show the direction one’s life has taken. For left-handed individuals the opposite applies. However, depending upon the palm reader and his or her training or country of origin, this may vary.  THE MAJOR LINES The palm of the hand has three major lines — the life line, heart line and head line. The line on the palm that people are most curious about is the life line. This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. The heart line, also known as the love line or mensal line, gives an indication about a person’s emotional state and their emotional and physical relationships with others. It can also be looked

$uccess $igns

Aries Midheaven                                    General areas(IPT clusters) for Aries Midheaven Animal and natural resources: veterinary medicine, stockbreeding Diagnostic and healing arts: all phases of surgery -especially neurological, psychiatry, physiotherapy, forsenic medicine Exploring, building, creating new spaces, products, or opportunities: all phases of architecture, surveying, engineering -especially civil and metallurgical, research and development for an industrial project Entrepreneurial activities Figuring and then playing the odds: commodities and futures, all phases Investigative arts and trades: journalism and reporting -especially high-risk phases, insurance investigation Motor activity: competitive sports, pro and amateur athletics, acrobatics Performing and visual arts: highly individual phases, including dance Social sciences: psychology -especially behavioural and industrial, marketing research Regulatory services: law enforcement Strategic,

Best Zodiac Signs To Have Sex With

Are you an astrology enthusiast with a heavy interest in the zodiac signs? Do you have a daily ritual of reading your horoscope? While there are some skeptics, many agree that horoscopes can be extremely accurate and reveal some interesting information about our daily lives. Astrology guides offer advice on relationship compatibility between signs, but we here at Elite have decided to provide a list of the zodiac signs that are the best in bed. Aries Aries has a powerful and magnetic personality and because they love to take control, they make great kissers. Aries is enormously sexual for a very short period of time—you might say they’re flash-in-the-pan lovers. They’re impatient, sometimes selfish lovemaking can cause relationship problems. However, if you catch them when flames of desire are burning high, no other lover will provide such fiery passion for those few moments. To seduce Aries, don’t be shy. Show that you have a brain. Always be spontaneous, too, sin

Women in love, the astro way

Love is eternal, and men and women inseparable! The masculine and feminine forces, although interchangeable, aim in directions opposite to each other. However, it's when they flow into each other, and not in opposition that they come together to create the complete circle called life. Yet, it's undeniably true that both the sexes are 'different' in their approach to various aspects of life. And, love is no different.  Usually women are said to be more emotional and attached than men. The gender stereotypes and societal roles too contribute to this difference. That is why, even the men and women of the same Zodiac Sign have varying emotional responses to relationships. Read ahead to find out how women of various Zodiac Signs love and love to loved!    Aries One would need to know right up that the Aries Female has low tolerance for insecurity. An easy display of confidence and composure, hence, shall naturally help one earn brownie points with this outwardly tough, but